Post Date:02/05/2025 7:38 a.m.
There were 34 items on the Feb. 4, 2025, agendas of the Broken Arrow City Council, Municipal Authority, and the Economic Development Authority, respectively. Here is a recap of what happened on Tuesday night.
City Manager Michael Spurgeon provided an update on the progress of the 2026 General Obligation package. It was the first of bi-monthly updates Spurgeon plans to give during regular City Council meetings. In this brief, Council was advised:
- The bond will represent no new tax rate.
- The total bond amount is expected to be known in August.
- Meetings with user groups of public facilities and surveys of citizens have been helpful to understand community needs.
- Council will be presented entire list of proposed projects later this year with the understanding the list will need to be pared down to meet the city’s bonding capacity.
- Public meetings/town halls will be planned in the fall.
It was an information-only item, and the City Council did not take any actions at this time. You can watch the discussion here beginning at the 11:45 mark of the meeting.
Councilmembers approved a change order to the construction contract of the Gardens at Central Park that is being created in the west side of the park off Main Street. The change order adds five days to the contract time and allows for the installation of electrical components to supply power to the gardens.
The City Council also discussed a potential list of priorities they will present to the Oklahoma Congressional delegation at the National League of Cities Advocacy Day on March 12, 2025, on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The senior members of the Youth City Council will also attend this trip.
Some of the items that will be considered for the list include:
- Funding for improving interchanges at Elm Place/SH-51 and Lynn Lane/SH-51
- Funding for water and sewer distribution improvements
- Support of broadband initiatives
- Public safety
- Threat of government regulatory overreach
- Local and domestic energy
- Supply chain bottlenecks
- Historic levels of inflation
Council asked city staff to review the topics and report back with recommendations for the Councilmembers. This brief discussion can be found at the 30:30 mark of the meeting here.
During the Broken Arrow Municipal Authority (BAMA) meeting, the trustees received the Total Water Usage Report and the Monthly Operational Report for December 2024.
The reports included:
- The Average Daily usage through the end of December was 9.3 million gallons daily (MGD).
- Total water treated at the Verdigris River Water Treatment Plant through December: 289.2 million gallons (MG).
The Trustees also received the December 2024 Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Discharge Monitoring Report that was submitted to the ODEQ on Jan. 15, 2024.
- In December, the total wastewater collected, treated, and discharged at the Lynn Lane Wastewater Treatment Plant was 168.602 MG.
- The average daily effluent flow was 4.113 MG.
The Solid Waste and Recycling Department submitted its December 2024 Solid Waste and Recycling Monthly Report. It says:
- 6,227,260 pounds of trash were collected.
- 1,020,400 pounds of recyclable materials were collected.
- 342,557 stops were made to provide service.
During the Broken Arrow Economic Development Authority (BAEDA) meeting, the trustees received the Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation’s monthly report. You can view the full report here.
If you were unable to attend the meetings, you can watch them in their entirety on the City of Broken Arrow YouTube page. You can view the entire City Council agenda, BAMA agenda, and BAEDA agenda of Feb. 4, 2025, by clicking the appropriate link.
The next Regular Meetings will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to receive notification when the agendas are posted prior to the meetings, register your contact information at brokenarrowok.gov/signup today!